A week ago, I decided to try the Nubio detox program, following Claire’s good advices, the founder of the brand.
You must start knowing how I am fond of eating: I eat everything, I am curious to try new flavours and I have a large appetite (= meaning “eager of good food”).
To tell you everything, I’ve never done any detox or cleanse, I’ve always thought that the body doesn’t need it, so it’s my very first time.
I thought I should have a try after reading diverse blog reviews, I wanted to make my own opinion about it. And actually I thought it wouldn’t hurt to put my digestive system into a “dormancy” mode for a bit, after so many sollicitations in Japan, in Leuven and during the end of year holidays… if you see what I mean!
A fresh start
As a beginner, I chose the Fresh Start program that we can follow from 1 to 5 days: a 2-day detox didn’t seem too ambitious for the beginning: so let’s go for 2 days!
The principle: to replace main meals and light meals by these bottles of fresh juices of fruits and vegetables and to strictly follow the order numbers written on the bottles. We can add healthy snacks if needed (almonds, rice cake, banana or apple…).
Menu for one day
I will tell you about this day different meal-bottles so you can have a better idea of my detox day. Let’s continue after with my impressions.
Carrot, apple, coconut water, lemon, grape, flax, turmeric
Apple, fennel, spinach, parsley, lemon, rosemary
Carrot, fennel, pineapple, beetroot, lemon, ginger
Carrot, orange, celery, lemon, cardamom
Petite douceur : Mineral water, almond, dates, vanilla, Himalayan salt
Elixir : Coconut water, mineral water, lemon, lime, maple syrup, chia seeds
The positive points
-The freshness of the juice (fresh squeezed and organic): we can really taste each ingredient, the gustative association is harmonious in mouth.
–My favourites: the Breakfast juice and the Elixir, which is close to a a bubble tea thanks to the Chia seeds a bit fluffy.
-The easiness of use: to sip a meal with a straw is quite convenient since we do not need to think about “Menu” or “What am I going to eat?” so it leaves some time to do something else: to pamper yourself or to peacefully work.
–No feeling of hunger: I worked at home these days and sometimes I was even forgetting it was the time to drink this or that juice. I think I could have skipped one bottle from the menu.
-A general feeling of well-being (a bit like if my sins had been washed away… Amen!)
The negative points
-A certain weariness the 2nd day: after the excitement of discovering the different juices the 1st day, I was a less enthusiastic the 2nd day.
-A feeling of lack of salty, warm and crunchy food: juices mostly have a sweet flavour even if some of them are made with vegetables: so I would have liked a 100% salty juice (but not sure this would really go with a detox/cleanse program because of the “water retention” effect of the salt). This being said, I calm down this craving feeling of crunchy by eating raw carrots and almonds.
-Inopportune goings and comings to the bathroom (6 or 7 times in the morning and then a bit less= pardon me for these personal details) but it’s normal : it’s a DETOX program!
To sum up
I came, I drank, I conquered: I finished the 2 days of detox program without problem and didn’t eat junk food greedily the following day: it actually moderated the envy to eat sweet/greasy food the days after. I don’t know if the detox had any benefit on my organism but I felt quite good while doing it and after.
This being said, if I had to do it again, I would go for the 1-day program (unless Nubio creates daily menu with different tastes from one day to another, for the “Fresh Start” program): I really understood that I needed varieties when it comes to daily food ( and more especially a real need of crunchy).
I would also recommend not to walk too far from the bathroom the days you decide to start this detox program based on the frequency of miction (or you may use the empty bottles as carry on toilet (on a condition, to aim straight)… environmentally friendly isn’t it?) (English translation by Quiterie)
Illustrations & pictures ©Tokyobanhbao
Hahaha la conclusion est superbe !! ;D
Et niveau prix c’est comment ? Ils livrent et tout ? Parce qu’entre Noël, les galettes des rois et Pâques qui approchent ça pourrait être une bonne idée… Il faudrait limute que j’en fasse tous les mois tellement jsuis pas detox haha 😉 #fererrorochers
alors tu peux avoir toutes les infos sur leur site : https://www.nubio.fr histoire de te faire une idée
pour avoir mangé comme ça durant 6 semaines (oui oui !!!!)
je comprends ta lassitude!
les textures c’est hyper important!
tu n’as pas eu faim?
Ou la mais que s’est-il passé ? extraction de dents de sagesse? régime extrême ? 6 semaines je ne pourrais pas et j’imagine que ce ne serait pas très bon pour la santé…
comme je le souligne dans mon billet, non je n’ai pas eu faim.
very genuine and interesting !!http://intelligently-fashionable.blogspot.com
Hello ! Heureuse de lire ton expérience avec ces jus Detox… Je suis assez septique sur le concept mais ton retour me semble assez positif… 2 jours, c’est bien. Au delà je pense qu’on est manque de différences de textures et de goûts (sucré / salé) comme tu le dis… J’aurai juste peur j’avoue de détraquer mes intestins… Pas de féculent mine de rien !
Non en ce qui concerne le transit, rien à signaler pendant ces 2 jours… si ça peut te rassurer ! ^^
La grande mode des jus… en Amérique du Nord, c’est un vrai boom ! Malheureusement très mauvais pour la santé. Perte de poids, c’est certain… parce que l’on perd du muscle et non de la graisse. U bon reportage sur le sujet:
Deux jours ça ne me semble pas mauvais, et ça peut faire du bien, car, comme tu dis si bien, cela permet de moins manger (c’est souvent notre problème, on mange trop, donc on est ballonné, etc…), mais pour faire ça plus longtemps, je vous conseillerai à toutes d’être suivie par un médecin !!
Je pense que cette mode est aussi associée à de la flemme ou du manque de temps pour soi avec nos vies de dingues.
Le fait de ne rien préparer (car les jus sont amenés sur un “plateau”) permet à chacun de se concentrer sur son corps, ses activités, son plaisir et du coup cela fait du bien dans ce sens là aussi.
Je ne pense pas que le faire longtemps soit conseillé. Il faudrait que l’on ait une alimentation plus équilibrée au quotidien pour éviter de penser “detox” à tout bout de champs… mais bon, difficile de résister aux gourmandises pas healthy ! ^^