Taking it slow for a day

· Illustration

My “Babe” Candice and I are used to our “museum marathon” days, but last week, we decided to take it slow, a “slow day”.

As I told you at the beginning of the year, I’m trying to adopt a more relaxed rythm : working without stress, no unachievable goals, enjoying myself as often as possible (while trying to distance myself from material things). And this type of day is something I’d like to reproduce on a regular basis, when my body will let me know it needs it.

After the rush of the end of the holiday season, it felt right to opt for a “slow day”. I’ll share the program with you, maybe it’ll inspire you with a friend or parent, and it can be readapted to suit you perfectly. In any case, it’s a good starting point to recharge your batteries.

As for us, let me tell you it worked magic. We took our time and enjoyed feeling completely relaxed at the end of the day.



Light breakfast with fresh fruit and home made granola with a calm yet spirited playlist.

Right now, I’m listening to “The Greatest Showman” soundtrack (“This is me” can basically be heard on repeat). and the new “Blue Madonna” Børns album (I loved his previous album “Dopamine” : this one is in the same style). And always Bastille and Take That of course, you know me!



We had schedulded a japanese massage at ASSA spa (8 rue Christine Paris 6ème), that I learned about completely randomly thanks to a card left in a japanese restaurant!

Don’t expect soft massages here (beauticians in France tend to be way too mellow, compared to what I’ve been accustomed to in Asia) : Shiatsu is about pressure points, and is meant to calm tension and redistribute energy.

1h after our session, we were completely relaxed. Candice even told me that it was such an exotic experience, she felt like she had left Paris.

I’ll admit that this might not be fit for every budget : but you can just as well stay home and try on your latest beauty products. A whole morning with masks and scrubs is just as enjoyable and relaxing an experience!



We were lucky, the day was sunny, encouraging our leisurely pace. We walked and talked, from the Louvres to the Saint Louis island, passing by Notre Dame.



The recent holiday season left us wanting for a light lunch : we headed to the MAISIE Café, that Candice had previously spotted. The staff wasn’t very welcoming, but the cashew cheese salad and the soups satisfied our cravings for healthy foods.

Here are a couple other “healthy but yummy” places I already tested in the past:

SO NAT 5 rue Bourdaloue PARIS 9e

CAFÉ INEKO 13 Rue des Gravilliers PARIS 3e

AHIPOKÉ 84 Rue d’Hauteville PARIS 10e



I’m on a decluttering roll this year, so I didn’t buy anything during the sales. That being said, I still very much enjoy looking at what is being sold, the trends and eventually finding a couple basics for my wardrobe at interesting prices.



We eat healthy, but we do still have a sweet-tooth. Since our slow day turned out to be pretty physical with all that walking, we settled down at MARCELLE (22 Rue Montmartre PARIS 1er), currently one of my favorite places for teatime.

•KAFFEEHAUS 11 Rue Poncelet PARIS 17e (post here)

•DEPOT LÉGAL 2 Rue Vivienne PARIS 2e (post here)

•AKI CAFÉ 75 Rue Sainte-Anne PARIS 2e



I said goodbye to my Babe and met up with my SO for a movie night. It was the premiere screening of The Greatest Showman, with Hugh Jackman! What better way to end this day!


Here’s how our first “slow day” went : I hope you enjoyed the program! You might already be used to this kind of day from time to time (…it’s nothing incredible after all, but I find it mind blowing how rare these days are becoming!)

I am up for all your ideas, tips and activities for a slow life : don’t hesitate to share in the comments so we can all find some inspiration ! (English translation by Marine)


  1. Reply


    Oh oui, vive les journées au ralenti ! Le secret pour moi : ne pas trop prévoir, ralentir mon pas habituel, et couper mon téléphone le temps de quelques heures 🙂 Je nous souhaites à tou·te·s plus de journées comme celles-ci en 2018.
    PS : je note l’emploi de l’orthographe épicène dans ton article et j’en suis ravie 🙂

    • Reply


      Oui ! Couper le smartphone c’est difficile mais ça fait du bien !!

  2. Reply


    Oui tu as amplement raison. Pour ma part je n’hésite pas à faire ce type de journée même seule. Cela fait du bien aussi de se recentrer sur soi-même.
    Merci pour ton article j’adore ton blog !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Reply


      Oui ça ne me dérangerait pas de faire ce genre de journée seule d’ailleurs aussi ! Le tout est vraiment d’arriver à vivre pour soi et de savourer la vraie vie 🙂 merci en tous cas !

  3. Reply


    Je suis assez adepte des slows days depuis un moment. Je déteste courir et les jours où je ne travaille j’essaye tant que je peux d’aller lentement. Je n’aime pas spécialement me lever tôt alors déjà pas de réveil à 7h le we ! Pouvoir prendre le temps de petit-déjeuner, de faire des smoothies, d’aller se balader dehors, (même sous la pluie pas trop le choix en ce moment). J’avais aussi décidé de faire plus de massages l’an dernier, si on a pas trop de sous on peut demander une carte cadeau pour son anniversaire par exemple. Je suis adepte des piscines bien chauffées avec hammam et espace forme, le top pour les we pluvieux aussi ! Allez rien ne sert de courir, cela ne sert à rien… 🙂

    • Reply


      Oui les cadeaux pour anniversaire ou Noël devraient être utiles pour ça ! D’ailleurs j’essaie de demander le moins de choses matérielles possibles mais plutôt privilégier des cadeaux “bons moments à partager” : j’espère continuer sur cette voie. Bonne continuation à toi !

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