Simple pleasures

· Decoration, Food

Lately, this never ending winter season is not very helpful to boost our moral. On my side, I’ve been trying to find some tricks to avoid gloominess as much as possible.

Actually, I think the more I move forward in the years (let’s not be afraid of the words, “the more I get old”), the more I try to appreciate the simple daily things. I don’t know about you but here are a few little pleasures, which have a real positive impact on me lately.


Spend time in the kitchen

I would have never thought about writing this few years ago but it’s a real pleasure to spend time in my kitchen. I don’t prepare anything very complicated but I love trying new recipes, no matter if it’s sweet or salty.

I like preparing brunches but also local and asian cuisines.

I would even say that I don’t mind doing grocery shopping and wandering around markets actually entertains me.

Of course it’s mostly during the week-ends that I start cooking but weirdly this activity became a real source of pleasure during the preparation and… obviously when eating!

Mug Rabito
Pineapple tea infuser Rice
Golden cutlery AM.PM


Last week-end was homemade brunch with smoothie bowl (pretty much the same recipe as here, without avocado and spinach and I replaced the matcha with red fruits) and pancakes (Cyril Lignac‘s recipe with frozen blueberry, because I didn’t have any fresh ones) but I also tried to cook some agedashi tofu : not utterly successful yet but promising.


Write postcards & letters

Postcards Jade Fisher, ASOS, Jeff Koons and Sézane
Ring Papyrus Atelier B (-20% off with TKBB20 code)
Pencil case brought from Copenhagen by my Babe


I always loved writing: it’s one of the reason why I started this blog. In high school, I was really enjoying writing letters (and receiving them). At that time, with my friend LN (those who read my “Globe trotteuses”  comic book heard about her), even though we were seeing each other every day, we would keep writing to each other with pleasure.

I’ve been trying to revive this sweet sensation of grazing paper by collecting postcards and by sending you some sometimes with my #SurprisePostcardFromTKBB Instagram contest. I also told myself to write more often to my family and friends, just for the pleasure, and why not to even send a letter?


Start meditation

Candle “Wood” Maison la Bougie
Cloud pillow Annabel Kern
Carpet La Redoute intérieurs


Two months ago, I started doing meditation about 10 minutes every day. Once again, an activity I didn’t expect doing but after watching a TV program, I thought it could be a good idea to give it a try as my temper is rather stressed. It would be a good idea to get to know how to enjoy living the moment and react to exterior events with more phlegm.

However, I couldn’t do it on my own: I decided to use the Iphone app ‘Mind’ (french version of Headspace) simply because it was easy to use and I liked the design (I know it doesn’t really mean it’s effective but it has its importance for me). When I searched for online reviews for meditation app, I found some quite positive comments for one called “Petit Bambou” (in French too) (but I thought the design were not appealing at all, sorry).

Since then, I’ve practiced every morning right after getting out of bed and I think I’ve started seeing the benefits even if progress still needs to be done: I’ve noticed that the negative events seem less important and little by little I’ve started seeing the glass half full rather than half empty.

I’m still far from considering a meditation retreat on the Tibetan uplands and I’m not always optimistic, but every morning sitting on my pillow in my living room, I can start feeling the positive side.


Grow plants

Candles Diptyque recycled in pots
Pot with wings Flying Tiger

Rabbit lamp Rice


I already told you but I’ve been thinking about changing my apartment to make it greener. As for now, my SO is focusing on the balcony and doing it very well (I need to show you the result one day).

On my side, I’m in charge of “easy” indoor plants such as cactus and other succulents. I replanted a few plants from terrarium to Dyptique containers (I also use them as glass for toothbrushes in my bathroom) and just looking at them give me full satisfaction (as you can see my activities get more and more Rock’n Roll).

Next objective: to acquire a small Monstera.


Get impatient with music

Letter board Design Letters
Letters set Design letters

Nailpolish “Blanc de Lune 112” L’Oréal Paris
Pen “Magic Mani” White L’Oréal Paris
Nail file (Gift from London= Thanks Nini !)


At the end of the month I will see Take That in concert in Manchester and I’m so excited! I know this band isn’t that famous in France because of the very “Boys band”image.

I was not really a fan of them in the 90’s but after re-discovering them a few years ago during their spectacular “Progress Live” tour, it definitely converted me (praise already done here). English pop is my passion and my days are punctuated by their last opus Wonderland. Sooo looking forward to it!!


To positive and dream thanks to books

Book “Et si vous deveniez l’héroïne de votre vie? (Editions SOLAR)” by Fanny et A-Sophie Lesage
Phone found at Fleux Paris


I’ve been moving forward very slowy with my Potterish discovery because I’ve been reading other things on the side (but I don’t give up… I just found the Quiddich of the beginning of tome 4 a bit boring, I admit).

I recently received this book of challenges from  Anne-Sophie and Fanny, the sparkling twins who founded the site ‘Holi me’.

With a fresh and funny spirit, it gives the opportunity to challenge the imperfect heroin we are all every day: the exact match with my current tentatives to ‘let it go’ and ‘meditation’, this book helps me to see the bright side: I’m in!

Pineapple tea infuser Rice
Mug “C’est la vie” Playtype


Magazine Lodestars Anthology Japan


Last weekend I also found this superb magazine dedicated to Japan. I miss this country so much but the pictures and layout are so esthetics that I have that feeling to dream page after page. A beautiful discovery! (English translation by Quiterie)

Wooden tray AM.PM
Marble plant pot AM.PM
Bracelets Mya Bay


  1. Reply


    Moi aussi je me suis mise à la méditation pleine conscience depuis 6 mois et ça me fait un bien fou.

  2. Reply


    Acant tout… Tes photos sont tellement belles!
    Comme toi, j’avance dans l’âge (haha) et je prends vraiment du plaisir à cuisiner, aller au marché, essayer de nouvelles recettes. J’y ai même converti mon copain, nous cuisinons ensemble chaque soir, même si nousa vons eu une longue journée de travail. C’est vraiment relaxant.
    Je n’ai pas encore trouvé le temps de me lancer dans la méditation mais je vais jeter un oeil aux Apps dont tu parles. J’espère qu’elles sont dispo pour Android !
    Merci pour tes bons plans livres 😉 Et persevère dans Harry Potter surtout 😀

    • Reply


      Un grand merci à toi !
      ah c’est sympa de cuisiner à deux tiens !
      Pour les applications de méditation je pense que ça doit aussi fonctionner sur Android

      et pour HP , oui je persévère : il faut que j’arrive au bout de ce mystère tout de même ^^

      bises !

  3. Reply

    Aline - Inspiré & Créé

    Haha, moi aussi, j’écrivais des lettres à mes amies au collège même si on était dans la même classe! =p
    Aujourd’hui, j’ai continu cette passion des lettres en envoyant des courriers à mes correspondantes internationales avec de jolis lettres décorées accompagnées de petits goodies. <3
    ça fait toujours son effet dans la boîte aux lettres!

    • Reply


      ahhh oui avec des petits goodies c’est cool ! Belle initiative ^^

  4. Reply


    Jolie photos…
    L’application a l’air trop sympa, je téléchargerai ça quand je quitterai Tokyo pour Paris (plus stressante…) Toute seule c’est pas facile. D’ailleurs le magazine sur le Japon a l’air superbe, je me demande si on peut encore se le procurer!

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