Here we are! We are finally in 2016…. HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!
I wish you a life full of joy and especially filled with love no matter what!
Beginning of year is synonym with looking back at the previous one: 2015 was full of events (not always the happiest unfortunately) but we must find the positive learnings to survive and especially a way to serenely move forward to the coming year. So I wish you will enjoy every good moments and create exceptional ones even if the bad ones seem to be happening more often.
On the lighter side, rewinding this year also means summarizing the blog. So here are the 16 “best of” (I could have chosen 2016 of them but I don’t think you would have gone through all of them). 2015 verdict, let’s go!
My 16 fav’ from 2015
1. My outfit with best comfort/price/visual rendering ratio: the one I was wearing here during the heatwave, I can’t wait to wear it again next summer.
2. My “good hair day” : For the long hair version it’s here & short hair here.
3. My riskiest photo shooting: the unconsciousness or the humid one, as you like.
4. The best team work: the one that was most likely never to exist here and the “had-to-make-do” there (giggles as bonus)
5. My best pair of shoes: these boots that play the role of Pistol Acne while being flat and with an unequalled comfort.
6. My biggest change of scene: I can say Japan (which I haven’t finished telling you about) but the most surprising was this one and with the most “sweetness of life”, here.
7. My most beautiful night: a summer night in Auvergne filled with wasps, “Chandelier” and hairy memories.
8. My best Disney moments: I had the chance to visit the park a few times this year and even in different part of the world (every time magical along with magical people here, here, here, there and there again… and cherry on top of the cake, the Star Wars night prepared at the very last minute! (Thankfully there was one wig of Princess Leia left somewhere in Paris!).
9. My favorite post outside this blog: very inspiring idea and visually perfectly executed, the award goes to this post!
10. My favorite movie: Kingsman (with the chance to see Colin Firth during the screening: the perfection!).
11. The illustration I enjoyed creating the most: this one (randomly draw with closed eyes on Asos website to dress up these dolls was a real pleasure).
12. My favorite museum: the MAS in Antwerp, for its interactivity, its scenography and the variety of themes exhibited.
13. My favorite restaurant: this one for end of the month tight budgets and that one for a special celebration or event.
14. My yummiest recipe prepared: here , 2015 was a big step forward in term of cooking, who would have had believed that?
15. My most beautiful culinary experience: this cooking workshop and this video live coverage: every time, pleasure to share and humbleness of very talented people.
16. My sum up with pictures: here.
So, now… Heading for 2016 ! (English translation by Quiterie)