Bento box Takenaka
Heart-shaped coasters Present Time
“Leaf” tea infuser Kikkerland
Mug Rabito (already seen here)
Cutlery Rice & Magpie
Since I’ve been giving a lot more thought to cooking, I’ve been trying to renew my cooking ustensil collection with useful and pretty things (you may already have noticed here or there). If, on top of that said ustensils are creative and second degree, it’s the jackpot!
Origami sushis set from Japan, fold by my little hands (thanks Quiterie !)
Bento box Takenaka
Bento box Takenaka
Heart-shaped Coasters Present Time
Cutlery pink & blue Magpie
Mug Rabito (already seen here)
Plate Tokyo Design
“Leaf” tea infuser Kikkerland
“Heart” costers Present Time
Spoon Rice
Here are a couple of my last acquisitions: they bring a smile to my face everytime I step into the kitchen:
“Bowler hat” strainer Doiy
… Colorful “made in Japan” bentos (I had already brought some back during my trip to Japan, but they were a bit small, and my SO and I have big appetites), a yummy notepad (that I use for making grocery lists), a strainer that John Steed would probably approve of and lots of other color full things! (English translation by Bleu Marine)
“Salami” post-its Doiy
Cutting board Present Time