Hear ye, hear ye, today, I will give you the chance to take part in a referendum on a matter of great importance about…. wait for it…. my hair.
For more than a year, as you know, I’ve had in mind to make my hair grow with one ultimate aim, an angled bob. After a few capillary steps, I think we finally made it: The ‘chin length’ Angled Bob Holy Grail.
I am pretty happy about my haircut which is quite easy to maintain (in other words= I wash them, I dry them: “great importance” I told you).
But the question now is: What shall I do now? Let them keep growing? Maintain the actual length? Cut them again and go back to the Michelle Williams short haircut style in the Louis Vuitton campaign?
Short or long ?
I have to admit that my hair are not strong enough to support the Asian long hair style fantasies that men like (meaning sweet lady with very long and straight hair, playing mandolin with a traditional tunic = haha very ‘cliché’) and it wouldn’t fit me anyway, because first I am not a sweet lady and second I don’t play mandolin (that being said, I have a traditional tunic in my wardrobe).
Talking about short hair, it actually fits me better, but then I would be quite limited in term of hair style.
My dear mother aka Momo (who refused to knit my beanie this winter, just to point it out again) have been pushing me every week to cut my hair: so I wanted to hear the public opinion, in other words: you, to know which side you would take… I leave it up to you: short or long? That is the question.