Tea with Yelle

· Fashion, Food

A while back, Urban Outfitters set Yelle, Typhaine and I up for a little teatime chat. She had just come back from LA where she had just wrapped up her latest video (“Ba$$in”).

You may remember that I like the artist as much as I do the person; my blog had already brought us together a couple times over the last few years and her friendly character, sincerity and simplicity are never-fail to make me enjoy her company a bit more every time.


Rendez-vous at La Tour d’Auvergne

We met and chatted at the “La tour d’Auvergne” hotel in the 9th arrondissement.

I had come prepared, having inquired beforehand on various social networks what kind of questions you might want to ask her, and mixed it all up with a couple questions of my own. Our time together had a very laid back vibe to it. You’ll have a cuppa’ with us, right?


TKBB: So Julie, (Yelle’s real name is Julie, remember?) @Cyrilbiselx wanted to know how do you manage your success overseas? Are you trying to focus more on the american market? How are you dealing with the intensity of this phenomenon?

JULIE: I feel like I never had to make a concious decision in that matter: my music ended up being exported overseas quite naturally. Things happen, and I just take them in stride. I’m lucky in that way. We have great opportunities to film abroad, I don’t even have to adapt to such or such country, people like it better when I sing in french.

TKBB: Do you think we’ll be hearing anything else than french at some point?

JULIE: I don’t think so – I mean maybe I’ll do a couple songs in english, but people abroad really like my mothertongue.

TKBB: Which singer or band would you like to or would you have liked to see live?

JULIE: Queen!

TKBB: were you ever a fan girl? Who are you still a fan of today?

JULIE: I had a really huge Damon Albarn (Blur, Gorillaz) phase, like with posters in my room and all! Take That too! And then time started flying by and I kind of lost interest in Take That, but I still find Damon Albarn so WOW … If I ever meet him, you can bet I’ll be in total fan mode.

TKBB: haha! What if one day Damon Albarn calls and asks you to write him a song? What would you do?

JULIE: I’d immediately say yes.

TKBB: Even if it ends up not being that good a deal?

JULIE: aah, no! no, no, if it’s something I don’t like or that doesn’t correspond with who I am, I’d never do it … but I’d still try every way possible to tell him “come on, don’t you want us to write that song together? I’ll help you …” (Laughs)

TKBB: So Damon Albarn, I’m sure you read our blogs – haha – you know what to do, this is an official request!

JULIE: yeah, totally!

Fashion and beauty musings

TKBB: So, @Lysandrerb wanted to know what foundation you use, because she has really fair skin and is having quite a hard time finding the right product! Julie, help!

JULIE: I use a L’Oréal foundation, and Bare minerals lightest powder I buy at Sephora.

TKBB: With regards to your look, you worked quite some time with JC de Castelbajac. @Terryka1 wanted to know if you’re still in a postive and colorful collaboration with the brand?

JULIE: Yes, of course! I try to attend as many shows as I can. Last autumn, we toured the USA and I wore quite a lot of his creations. There’s always something very “me” in his collections, so yes it’s an ongoing collaboration. Actually he’ll be mixing during the next Art Rock festival in Saint Brieuc, I’ll make sure to go see him.

TKBB: Since you’re something of a fashion-addict, @Stefweet wanted to know (as do I!) if you’re thinking about a collaboration to create your own clothes or accessories?

JULIE: It’s funny you’d ask me about that, because I actually received such a proposal yesterday! I don’t quite know what I’d be most attracted to if I was asked to create a bag or something else … I have so many different types of bags I don’t know what I’d want!

But I was actually contacted by Brian Lichtenberg (who creates the famous Homiès, Feline meow, … sweatshirts, and I think we’ll try working on a piece together: a tshirt or a sweatshirt with a special fond and a french sentence for example … I don’t have a clue when we’ll be getting all our ducks in a row for that one, but I’m sure it’ll happen!

TKBB: aha so it’s an exclusive! Thanks! On another matter, I know men often have a set of ideas when it comes to our clothes: which piece of clothing is it that you wear but your boyfriend (Jean-François Perrier, aka Grand Marnier) hates?

JULIE: skirts or maxi dresses: I always thought it looks gorgeous, but felt like it wouldn’t be very flattering on me … I ended up buying one anyway and he was like “what IS this??” all in all, it didn’t look that bad, and I managed to educate his tastes on that one.

Oh and there was also the time where he would laugh at me because I love Monoprix so much! I always find stuff in the one from Saint Brieuc. I came back with a couple of pieces from the menswear and he totally joined the dark side he loves it now! Haha!


TKBB: Since we have that sweet tooth in common (Julie once gave me a huge list of LA restaurants that I’ll have to share with you at some point)…what’s “your” recipe?

JULIE: Brownies. I have two recipes actually, one from my mother that she got from an american friend: so they’re real american brownies, and another one from a danish friend who has a culinary blog (Anneauchocolat.dk) : brownies with white chocolate bits, that you only eat the day after, because they’re better that way. It’s terribly easy, and terribly effective.

TKBB: can you give me the recipes?

JULIE: Yes of course! (hehe, I’ll keep you posted with regards to that one!)

TKBB: and when it comes to savory, what’s your go-to dish?

JULIE: Tajines. They’re really easy, and people enjoy them a lot. I love the mix of flavors, and everything spicy. It’s a great dish for when you have lots of people over, it brings people together.

TKBB: Are you more healthy or junk food?

JULIE: Both: When I’m home I love cooking up healthy stuff – and we stayed with friends in the US that are totally into organic food – I discovered incredible stuff with grains (a no bake lemon pie with macadamia nuts and lemon juice – it was incredibly good!). I’m planning to buy that book my friend was using all the time: “Beauty Detox Foods”.

But I can have junk food phases: burgers, fries … I like both.

TKBB: Any restaurants to recommend in Paris?

JULIE: Right nearby there’s a really good korean : SOBANE (5, rue de la Tour d’Auvergne) (I’ll be trying it out soon!)

TKBB: thanks Julie! Let’s make sure we meet up again real soon for lunch or dinner! Haha!


My interview outfit

Urban Outfitters offered that we pick out an outfit on the website, and this is what I came up with: a slightly british look, with a burgundy sweater for the hint of color. A triobag that stays secure (the pickpoket paranoia is back!).

Typhaine had chosen the same comfy coat: we were like two little white polar bears! (English translation by Bleu Marine)

My Outfit

Hat Filipo Catarzi pour ASOS
Coat Cooperative (already seen here)
Sweater Cooperative
Pants Cooperative
Socks Bleu Forêt
Shoes Dr.Martens
Bag Silence+ Noise
Lipstick « 977 Pied de Poule » Dior

The 37 M2: A Taiwanese Brunch

· Food, Illustration

Last weekend, we felt like a family brunch. Yes but WHERE? Found at the last minute, this address was a bit of a gamble.

But luckily, despite the grim weather, the planets aligned for us and I can finally share with you my experience of the Taiwanese brunch.

As the name gives away, the location is on the small side (is it really 37m² ? Phil Spencer shed some light please!) but cleverly done up thanks to a big mirror that suits the place well.

On the wall, the wine card is written back to front, so you can read it in the mirror: clever!

Let’s brunch !

Let’s talk about the 26 euros brunch menu that is described in the entirety of this article.

The brunch is served on the table and not on a buffet (Anyway, apart from installing one in the toilets, I don’t see how it could be done in 37m²), which suits me better because I am usually disappointed by buffets that in order to satisfy our greed are often too simplistic and poor in quality.

Jam, home made bread and tea

We are brought a tray of little home made bread rolls (it seems that the chef is an old student of Guy Savoy so we are in good hands) and the jam is also home made..and you can smell it !

Very very good: it is light and not too sugary…we even succumbed to another tray that was calling our name (we weren’t charged for it = very rare indeed in Paris), greedy as we are. All the time the Oolong tea was flowing.

Choices of drinks

Matcha & Bailey’s bubble teas

In the à la carte menu, you are meant to choose a drink between bubble tea (Taiwanese drink), a soft drink or a glass of wine..

Bubble tea au Speculoos

he bubble tea was the unanimous choice: the flavours are quite varied: matcha, speculoos, milk chocolate and others more original in nature because containing alcohol (Bailey’s, honey whisky, Kumquat vodka…): to enjoy moderately obviously.

The tapioca pearls are good and not too soft, I confirm !


You can choose a dish from 6 different options, the plate is already garnished with an omelette, a fruit salad, a salad and rice.

Fried chicken with prune

I opted for the fried chicken with prune, interesting in taste and crunchy.

Beef pancake with nuts and coriander

Next to me, it was the beef pancake with nuts and coriander that made people talk.

The beef is delicately folded in the pancake which remind me of Thai pancakes or the Moroccan pancakes called “Msemen” (not sure about the correct spelling). It’s crunchy and slightly puffy.

Fried sweet and sour chicken

The fried sweet and sour chicken was also well prepared: crusty and melty thanks to this coating of sour sauce. We could have tested the gambas that were wrapped in Capelli d’Angelo or the fried calamari with basil but I trust that you will.


Tarte citron mangue et pâte sucrée au thé vert

We end it with a bang because the desserts (the ones we tried anyway) have been prepared with the utmost care: big up for the lemon-mango tart and it’s sugary green tea pastry that went down nicely: the pastry is crusty, not soaking at all (which is usually a flaw with lemon tarts) and the cream is extra-smooth.

The only critique I could give is that it is hard to taste the mango…

Fondant au chocolat

The chocolate fondant is also excellent: fans of melted hearts with chocolate smiles, go for it, it rocks!

En résumé

A very nice surprise indeed is this 37m² where we did well to reserve a table this Sunday. Tranquillity, lovely food and friendly atmosphere, I sign on the dotted line to move in ! ! (English translation by TradIsa)

Le 37M2
68 Rue Rodier
75009 PARIS
(Métro Anvers)

(PS : Pictures taken with  OLYMPUS Pen E-PL7 & lens M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 14-42mm 1:3.5-5.6 EZ)

My teddy coat

· Fashion

If you are not a tactile person, get away from this coat because whenever I wear it, someone comes and strokes my harm or my shoulder: for just a moment I become my relatives’ soft cuddly toy (if I am in a good mood, I can give ‘free hugs’ as a bonus).

I won’t complain too much especially because it must be one of the warmest coat I’ve had, and for these days, it has been really useful.

My Outfit

Coat Cooperative
Breton shirt Pepe Jeans
Bucket bag Mademoiselle R (already seen here)
Cap H&M
Boyfriend jeans La Redoute (-20% discount)
Socks ASOS
Brogues ASOS
Lipstick « 977 Pied de Poule » Dior

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