Happiness for 2019!

· Art, Illustration

One more year has just passed and we are not even ready yet for the next one. A happy new year is the usual greeting that I would like to wish you obviously. And more than that, I hope this year 2019 will come with good health, otherwise nothing could work.

I also wish you to spend some good time with your friends and family, to discover and learn (about others and yourself) and to enjoy life the best you can, with a lot of love.

I hope you will be able to build your own happiness, even though it doesn’t look like what we can see on blogs or Instagram. For 2019, you’d better think about yourself and the things you like. Make this year even more precious!


My illustration for this new year

This year, I had the chance to visit quite a lot of exhibitions and to find inspiration where I wouldn’t have expected it. Especially at the Alphonse Mucha exhibit that I loved and which gave me the idea of this art nouveau style card.

I deliberately got inspired by the existing work of this incredible Alphonse Mucha (this poster for Sarah Bernhardt) to create this illustration slightly redesigned with my own touch.

I really enjoyed drawing it and admire even more the talent of the Czech artist considering the number of details I tried to copy to pay him tribute. A long tedious work… I can’t imagine his own! I hope you will appreciate this nod and the mix between the two worlds.


Greeting cards signed for you

Same as last year, I wanted to create a real greeting card to print out in a few copies in order send one to 20 of you. I still love writing on this good old paper and I really liked the idea so I am doing it again this year!


For a chance to get one, you need to leave a comment below before Sunday January 6th midnight: you are free to write whatever you feel like, it will be my pleasure to read all of them!

I will pick 20 persons to send my greetings by mail. Thank you for still being here after 11 years on this blog. I still believe in this format and I am touched that you are too. More than ever thank you… and have a great year 2019. (English translation by Quiterie)

The magic of Christmas

· Decoration, Fashion, Food

This year, the Christmas hype started way early (I feel like we’ve been expecting it since end of august!) but I managed to wait until november to progressively get into the mood : first with the department store windows, then with the amazing Mickey Mouse birthday weekend at Disneyland …

But I waited until december to bring the Christmas spirit into our home ! In this post, you’ll get a glimpse of our 2018 Christmas decoration!!


O Christmas Tree

If you compare with last year, the 2018 christmas tree is a bit taller : it wasn’t a conscious choice : we didn’t measure it before bringing it home! But it’s not a bad thing, as there was more space for our decorations.

We only started decorating a tree 4 years ago, but it’s a tradition we’re not ready to let up : it’s so soothing and it brings such sweet magic to the whole month of December.


Nutcrackers  brought from Hamburg and Stuttgart Xmas markets
Mug Villeroy & Boch
Bagpipe player brought from England


We spend long hours in the evening admiring our tree (and after our refurbishment works last year, the tree now has the perfect spot across from the sofa), and I love it. I just wish I had taken more time to prepare a homemade advent calendar (it’s a perfect gift for your SO and/or a friend), but I’ll try to do it next year!

With regards to our Christmas decorations, we used the same ones as last year and added our finds from this year : a queen’s guard, a kilt-wearing bagpipe player, a telephone booth in embroidered cloth, all souvenirs from our UK roadtrip.

Animated nutcracker BHV Marais
Bell and reindeer Villeroy & Boch

Stars and ball Swarovski


I also love Villeroy & Boch‘s traditional decorations : the first (the reindeer and the gingerbread man) were gifted to me by my friend Sylvain last year , and this year I added the ball and the bell to my collection.

My favorite decorations are the wooden ones by Christian Ulbricht, brought back from our trips to the german chistmas markets. The details are so precise and cute that I try to add to my collection each year : this year I added the sleighs (driven by Santa and a christmas angel) to our star and cuckoo clock.

Reindeer and gingerbread man Villeroy & Boch
Mickey decorations Disneyland Paris
Wooden decorations Christian Ulbricht


Let’s not forget the Disney decorations that I have been collecting as I visited the parks over the years. Gingerbread Minnie seems to have caught your eye on Instagram, but I’m not sure she can still be bought !

Wooden decoration Christian Ulbricht
Ball Swarovski

Fake candy canes from Japan


Each decoration has its little story, which is why we’re so happy to unpack them all each Christmas season.


The Christmas wreath

Pouffe La Redoute intérieurs
Mug Villeroy & Boch


This year, I asked Clémentine, the founder of Peonies flower/coffeeshop to create a wreath for me. It’s made with dried plants, I wanted it to be natural, festive, but not too much so … the result lived up to our expectations.

We chose to hang it on our reindeer head next to the kitchen. Yes, OK, you can’t really see it anymore, but let’s just say that our reindeer chose to go hibernate incognito in december.

Xmas wreath Peonies Paris


A Holiday Table

Oak table E Galina pour AM.PM
Oak chairs AM.PM
Mirror Maisons du Monde


I’ve only started enjoying setting a pretty table for the holidays since last year. Then again, having a real dining room table (instead of just a coffee table) changes everything!

Last year, I was missioned to prepare the Christmas Eve dinner for my family. This year it won’t be the case, but a couple days earlier, I had some friends over for a pre-Christmas dinner and I snapped a couple pictures of the table before my guests arrived (…that way I was sure to enjoy the evening and not bother everybody with my blogger/instagramer tendencies, haha!).

Candlestick holders Maison Sarah Lavoine
Glasses La Redoute Intérieurs
Plates Habitat
Linen napkins La Redoute intérieurs


The decoration is pretty similar to last year’s, but I used pine tree branches instead of eucalyptus, and added a couple pine cones here and there.

The result is voluntarily simple and natural, and I’m very glad I chose to invest in these golden candlestick holders, that bring elegance to the whole! I chose to leave the linen napkins untouched : no decorations or napkin rings.

I’m still using my white porcelain crockery that I’ve had for years : it’s often tempting to invest in more colorful tableware, but I’m afraid I’d get tired of it, and I just don’t have the space to spare! I’m a minimalist by necessity, hehe! It forces me to be more creative with the rest … and all in all, it’s simplicity I’m most attracted to.

Mugs Rabito
Gâteaux et crackers brought from BHV Marais


Here is another example of table setting … for a Christmas teatime! One of my dreams is to celebrate Christmas in England or to enjoy London during Christmas time at least once in my lifetime : and it’s quite achievable, as I’m sure you’ll tell me! In the meantime, I’m inspired by British teatime traditions.

Crackers, mince pies and lots and lots of Christmas tea, here are the key ingredients to feeling a bit more British! (let’s not forget to add watching Bridget Jones and Love Actually, my favorite Christmas movies!)


… and the Christmas spirit!

I wish you all a very happy and joyful holiday season – enjoy it as much as you can, whether you are Christmas adepts or not. I don’t really know why, but my love for this time of the year, with its sparkly atmosphere, only gets bigger every year.

I look forward to spending more time with friends and family during the upcoming weeks. I’ll try to slow down even more, and I’ll tell you we will see each other soon in 2019! Take care of yourself and of your loved ones … (English translation by Marine)


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My Outfit

Pajamas La Redoute (already seen here)
Reindeer slippers offered by a friend years ago
Necklace Minetta Jewellery

« Volume russe » Eyelashes extensions Les cils de Marie (already seen here)

These days #2

· Art, Illustration

Here is the second episode of my column « These days » initiated last May. People following my stories on Instagram already got a preview but here all in one place all my last discoveries and activities drawn with a few markups.


The musical exhibition at the Philharmonie of Paris

I discovered this exhibition on a rainy day, which couldn’t be better to warm up this day! What a surprise we had to experience this interactive exhibition as it was possible to wear a costume like a performer of musical (Mary Poppins anyone?) and to attend a lesson of tap-dance.

As a spectator you won’t be disappointed neither because a lot of videos (even of one shown on a giant screen) allow to discover the backstages and secrets of the shooting. The perfect « Feel Good » exhibition !


“Fendre l’air, art of bamboo in Japan” exhibition at the Quai Branly museum 

I’ve really made the most of this « Japonismes » special event before it ends in a few months. A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure to attend the private viewing of this very inspiring exhibition about Japanese bamboo art.

Initially created to highlight the flower art called ikebana used during tea ceremony, these baskets have witnessed the Japanese creativity along the century (willing to show off in front of my guests mixed to the know-how).

A good overview of the mix between tradition and contemporary: the finest art and technical achievements created with bamboo: a real pleasure for the eyes.


The Christmas Market in Stuttgart

I recently had a childhood friend gathering (we’ve known each other for over 30 years… we’ve been getting in touch since elementary school!) in Stuttgart in Germany.

I already had the chance to discover Christmas Markets in Hamburg a few years back: it comforted with the idea that German know how to celebrates Christmas tradition!

Local treats (sausage, praline, crepes and sauerkraut…) and Christmas decoration booth: a magic and end of the year festive ambiance… and in such a good company !

I brought back a lot of memories in my head and others to decorate my Christmas tree.


The Mucha exhibition at the Luxembourg museum

This year, I’ve really committed to spend more time with my friends, even though it would mean to put my work life a bit on the side and this kind of day was in line with it.

So I spent one day with Alix to explore the exhibition of Alphonse Mucha at the Luxembourg museum. Here again, a source of inspiration with the famous Slav artist, that everyone knows for his pieces inspired by women and flowers.

We really enjoyed to go into details for each of his so poetic and astonishing creations.

I would recommend you to book a ticket to avoid the line if you want to see it.


The Dirty Dancing 30 yo party

One of my favourite movie just turned 30 years old! And to celebrate this birthday and the new DVD/Blu-ray + exclusive bonus, I got invited for a very nice movie karaoke night!

The first time I watched Dirty Dancing, I was probably 11 year old, and it was a VHS and french voices… so I almost know all the french adaption by heart. Back in time my passion for Patrick Swayze was unlimited. What a pleasure to watch it on a big screen!

The DVD blu-ray has new unseen scene of the casting, scene cuts and documentary that I will most probably take the time to watch during the holiday season… it will be the good timing to spread my knowledge about my Proust’s madeleine.


The Japonisme exhibition at the museum of Arts Décoratifs

Another exhibition! I can’t stop! This time I got invited by the leather good brand Le Tanneur to attend the exhibition Japon – japonismes with a private visit, before the opening of the museum.

Here again, pleasure for the eyes guaranteed with a few pieces of art, fashion or in term of graphics inspired by Japan.

We can find regrettable the poor scenography (I was discussing about it with one of you on Instagram and we were saying that it looks like an auction house but… only my opinion). However, the content of the exhibition and the collection are very rich which is self-sufficient. (English translation by Quiterie)

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