Nyuto onsen

· Fashion, Food, Illustration, Travel

Ahhh it’s taking me a lot of time to tell you all about my winter trip in Japan and I am sorry about it !

It might be complicated to plunge into my story due to this summer heatwave but I thought it could be nice to have a bit of freshness: if you are dreaming about having your head in the freezer, this article is just for you!


So let’s continue where we previously stopped: we are leaving Tokyo to explore unknown places in Akita prefecture (to check the map it’s here) to discover the 7 hidden onsen in the mountain. It’s time to wear your boots, adjust your hat and let’s go!


The 7 Onsen of the snowy mountain

During our previous trip in Kinosaki onsen, we discovered this Japanese lifestyle that consists in relaxing at a hot spring resort, where choosing your next bath only matters. We wanted to experience it again during winter time and I must admit that it was as good (or even better!)


Morning private bath at Taenoyu onsen


Indeed, imagine how good it could feel to plunge into a relaxing 40°C bath when it was about -10°C outside (right now you may think about doing the opposite): thermal shock but intense pleasure mixing satisfaction of being in a cocoon while admiring the snow around.

Apparently, the water rich in sulfur and other minerals have medical benefits: a real Japanese hydrotherapy !


The outdoor bath (closed to the public that day) from Tsurunoyu onsen


If you would like to enjoy the 7 hot springs, I would recommend to stay 2 nights in the area.

As we only stayed one night (ryokan are quickly fully booked during winter time so we got quite lucky to find one night!), we were only able to try three out of seven but here the list, knowing that each onsen is part of a ryokan with the same name so you can book and stay over:


  • TAENOYU ONSEN : : we stayed in the ryokan called the same way (I will give you more details later here): separated bathes for men and women change everyday, one outside mixed bath next to a fall and one private bath (the one I am posing in… naked! Haha).
  • GANIBA ONSEN : mixed bath (but different entrance so don’t worry) in the middle of the wood.
  • TSURUNOYU ONSEN : the oldest, used before by the lords of the region, including 9 baths. Unfortunately, the one with milky water was closed to the public that day: I think it’s one of the most famous. We were able to try out the other bathes thought.
  • OGAMA ONSEN : Previously a school it became a ryokan. The water of this hot spring is known to be good for the skin.
  • KUROYU ONSEN : the furthest and most rustic ryokan/onsen. Even though I think it only opens from April to November.
  • MAGOROKU ONSEN : a large outside bath for women. Water has good medicinal effects.
  • KYUKAMURA NYUTO ONSEN KYO ONSEN :large ryokan more modern for families.


How to go to Nyuto onsen

You will need to be patient to access Nyuto Onsen and use almost all the existing transportations available.

At this point, we regretted to carry too much things with us. I won’t say it enough: travel light (or, as suggested by one reader, use the Takkyubin, a smart Japanese delivery system that I will need to try next time): it will make your life simpler!

To go to the region of 7 onsen from Tokyo, you need to:

  • Take the “Akita shinkansen” train to Tazawako (book your ticket with your JR pass)
  • Once you got to Tazawako station, take the bus toward the 7 ryokan/onsen.
  • Stop at the one you booked.
  • You can then buy at the ryokan the bus ticket that will let you go back and forth between all the onsen.



As I was telling you earlier, the ryokan are fully booked quite early so make sure to book even from now! We actually wanted to book the Tsurunoyu ryokan (which seems to be the most popular)but it was fully booked so we chose the Taenoyu ryokan instead, and we didn’t regret it.

The ryokan Taenoyu has a human size such as a family pension (Tsurunoyu seemed much bigger and cold in comparison when we went to try the onsen). We booked our dinner at the ryokan (with this weather you don’t even think about finding another place) and we got an exceptional Kaiseki dinner.


Some pictures of our Kaiseki dinner at Taenoyu ryokan


I didn’t take much pictures of this moment to enjoy as much as possible but just so you know all the little dishes came one after one with a taste always more delicious and surprising with a nice fireplace ambiance.

The breakfast was also generous and divine, and the bedroom with very comfortable tatami : I totally recommend this place.

Breakfast at Taenoyu ryokan

I hope you enjoyed this post even though it’s quite late and I hope it will help you if you are preparing your winter trip.

Don’t hesitate to ask me questions in the comments, I will always be share more details if I can. Talk to you soon (I hope!) for the Sapporo adventures! (English translation by Quiterie)

My Outfit

Coat Urban Outfitters
Hat Etam
Scarf and pants Acne Studios
Boots Sorel


· Art, Fashion

I am finally back on this blog after quite some times because of a very busy schedule in terms of work and entertainment.

But I missed writing on this blog and before starting again (and maybe finish one day) my report about my winter trip to Japan, I am taking you today to a new Japanese chapter.


A japanese summer

Indeed, the Parisian summer is full of surprises because until the begining of next year a lot of events related to Japan will be held, as part of “Japonismes 2018”.


Without knowing it, I visited the first exhibition of this cultural operation at the Palais de Tokyo and while checking the coming program, it led me to the Salomon de Rothschild hotel.


Japanese aesthetics at hotel de Rothschild

This time, I discovered the Fukami exhibition, which takes us to the Rothschild hotel and its Japanese aesthetics.


The raw and minimalist pieces of work are perfectly mixed with the nearly flashy architecture of the hotel, full of gildings and carved moldings at every corner.

Seascapes by Hiroshi Sugimoto


I loved the contrast of this living room with an apocalyptic ambiance, result of the piece of work from the Korean artist Lee Ufan.

“Relatum Dwelling (2)” by Lee Ufan


Another style, “Echoes Infinity” ephemeral art work form Shinjo Ohmaki, made of colored pigments drawn with a stencil on a ground of baize that will be destroyed with visitor footsteps at the end of the exhibition (I must come back to see the carnage ahah!).

“Echoes infinity” by Shinji Ohmaki won’t remain intact for very long !


Here are a few pictures of my visit, which will give you a quick overview and who knows you might want to come after me.

“Raiya” and Ranmei by Ryo Hiraoka and “Co(Al)xistence” videoclip by Justine Eymard with Mirai Moriyama


“Foam”, the impressive foam cloud artwork by Kohei Nawa


“Kajikazawa dans la province de Kai” by Hokusai


Anyway, I enjoyed this very inspiring cultural trip and I am looking forward to the following ones: if you can’t go to Japan, Japan will come to you! (English translation by Quiterie)

My Outfit

Jumpsuit American Vintage (orange color here)
Belt Sézane
Sandals 70/30 (already seen here)
Bag brought from Bali, Ubud (similar here)

The Ibiza bohème aperitif

· Decoration, Food

This post marks the beginning of my collaboration with the BHV Marais for the next few months, with the mission to explore the “Food” part of the department store. I’m very delighted – you know my little love for food – so it will be a pleasure to pretend to be a food reporter for some time.

By the way, this summer, the BHV Marais is in the colors of Ibiza to bring extra Spanish warmth to our capital.

If you visit the shop before July 31th, you will find a number of animations, sunny set ups to enjoy the sun as much as we should (while offering a bit of freshness during this scorching temperatures).


 “Ibiza bohème” tapas

My mission was to do grocery shopping at Le BHV Marais to prepare an aperitif just like in Ibiza! When people say “Spanish aperitif” I always think right away about tapas (more than drinks = sorry party drinker people, I am not really one of yours, haha !)

So here is what I prepared with my 100% from BHV groceries, that you may have discovered with my Instagram stories. Here is my recipes for a successful yummy “Ibiza Bohème” aperitif !


I wanted to select products that make us travel a bit but at the same time easy to prepare the tapas, even if you are not a cooking expert. You’ll see with my super easy recipes it will be easy to get away while enjoying your aperitif at home.




  • 2 big potatoes
  • “Spicy Ajvar” roasted peppers sauce “Granny’s secret”
  • Paprika garlics “Calle el tato”
  • Flower petals salt”Sal de Ibiza”
  • Olive oil
  • Chive
  • A little pan “Serax” (found at BHV Le Marais tableware corner)


  1. Boil water with salt in a sauce pan and cook the peeled potatoes
  2. Cut in small pieces the garlic with paprika
  3. Once the potatoes are cooked (slightly firm), cut them into large cubes and stir in with olive oil and prepared garlic.
  4. Meanwhile, heat up the sauce with grilled peppers (with microwave or a small saucepan with low heat)
  5. Display the brown potatoes inside the saucepan and coat with the heated sauce.
  6. Sprinkles with some chives, the flowers petal salt and it’s ready!




Super easy and not really a recipe as I won’t insult you by explaining how to spread things on a piece of bread: products make everything!


  • Tartines du sud “L’Epicurien” box :
  • Dried tomatoes and basilic tapenade
  • Cream of chickpeas with cumin
  • Duo of eggplants and peppers
  • Tapenade from the “Varois” shepherds “Au Bec Fin”
  • Olives “Calle el tato”
  • Paprika garlic “Calle el tato”
  • Sausages with herbs and walnuts from Normandy “Roches blanches”
  • Sardines in oil “Ortiz”


  1. Toast slices of bread.
  2. Spread the sauces of your choice and liven up with cold meats, sausages, olives, sardines, cherry tomatoes…
  3. You can get inspired by my tasty associations or just follow your instinct: anyways everything goes well together!



If spreading or frying is too much for you (heat, laziness, etc..) I have the solution with these products that just need to be opened (needless to say, with love !), displayed on a plate/bowl and maybe heat up (for the stuffed peppers with tuna for instance).


A special mention for the Ibiza salt and white truffle flavor chips, very crunchy and subtle taste. I also like the packaging of the tuna and sardines from Ortiz, so vintage!



…and the drinks !

As you know I still don’t tolerate much the alcoholic drinks (maybe, it happens the same to you?), so I tried to find alcohol-free alternatives in the shelves of the BHV Le Marais. I came across these 3 original beverages:


Mojito mix “Quai Sud” is initially made (as the name says) to prepare Mojito: it only requires to mix beforehand (1h) 40cl of rhum with the mix of the bottle already including mint, lemon and sugar and then add up sparkling water and the mojito is ready !

Must be enjoyed with moderation… with so much moderation for me that I just added up sparkling water and it worked too haha!

Ze Fresh touch “Les 2 Marmottes” : I knew the herbal tea from this brand but not these bottles. Here, it’s a herbal tea with spearmint / passion with green tea. To savor “on the rocks”: special mention for the taste not too sweet and refreshing.

So Jennie : I just love this elegant bottle : here again, the party is much more fun with this sparkling grape juice without alcohol and delicate bubbles.



I hope you liked this “Ibiza bohème” aperitif and it may give you some inspiration to prepare your own and enjoy a refreshing and yummy summer!

However, if the laziness is too strong, you can enjoy the POD (Parisian Omnivore District), the BHV food court (located on the BHV Hommes side): a place 100% friendly with various food booths (Vietnamese, Corean, oriental…). You can enjoy the aperitif outside and more if you hit it off.

I will probably introduce this place later on during the collaboration so stay tuned… (English translation by Quiterie)


This is a promoted post and was made in collaboration with BHV Marais

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