Five senses #9

· Beauty, Decoration, Fashion, Food

Here is a new episode of Five senses, the kind of article that I love writing because it allows me to talk about very different topics in one post. Let’s discover now what seduced my five senses lately.



E. Gallina table for AM.PM
Couch Ikea
Pot La Redoute intérieurs


I fined tune our interior decoration in order to make it even more simple (soon I might end up with only one table and one chair…).

It’s difficult to not pay attention to the new decoration trends that are changing almost as fast as the fashion ones… I try to resist as much as possible and to only use timeless pieces. I would like our interior to be simple but sophisticated at the same time, without too many ‘trendy’ items unless they are easy to change.


Cushion cover PB Home
Embroidered cushion cover La Redoute intérieurs
Fake fur cushion cover La Redoute intérieurs
Tassel cushion cover AM.PM


It was actually the case with my graphic black and white scandinave pillows that I recently changed with new covers more simple. The result is more relaxing for the eyes, isn’t it?



Linen duvet cover La Redoute intérieurs
Linen pillowcase La Redoute intérieurs
“Mambo” bedside AM.PM

 “Mistinguett” lamps La Redoute intérieurs
Roof light Georges Nelson


The bedroom is almost done in term of decoration (it may miss some greenery to display on the edge of the wall on top of our bed but the essential is already here).

Once again, we kept it simple and the fancy touch will be made by the colors of the duvet/pillow covers: I’ve already got a set of white and grey washed linen. Here is a third one, pink that I can mix with the others I have.

For the bedsheets, the prewashed linen is a good option for the ones who don’t like ironing (which I don’t… especially when it comes to duvet covers: I am really wondering who does it?!) because it doesn’t require any special care apart from washing and the more it’s crumpled the best it is!



Audio book “Harry Potter and the half-blood Prince” on Kobo by Fnac
Pillowcase La Redoute intérieurs


I am admitting with shame that it took me over a year to finish the 5th tome of the Harry Potter saga. Indeed, since November 2016, I have been trying to catch up with my shortcoming about Harry Potter but I actually don’t have much time to read (or I don’t make the time for it!). Therefore this offer from Orange was quite a good opportunity for me: they offered me one audio book per month until the beginning of next year. I will be able to read while doing something else!

I’ve been testing this service for a few weeks now with the 6th tome of the Harry Potter saga “The Half-Blood Prince” and I actually kind of like it (I already reached half of the book, what a miracle!): it’s very convenient for me to listen it in the subway, while drawing, while I cook or iron (yes, apart from the bedsheets, I sometime have to do it!).

The narrative voice is quite dynamic (even though, the conversations are sometimes quite silly because all the voices (men and women) are “performed” by only one and same person, but I won’t complain as it allows me to move forward and read!). So I am reaching the denouement of the saga quicker than what I thought!



“Santal 33” Fragrance Le Labo


I received as gift some time ago this fragrance Santal 33 from Le Labo. I am actually not really used to wear woody smells (I am usually more into flower scents) but I really like this scent, very invigorating and cosy.

It reminds me of the “wood fire” candle smell (not as intense though). When it was still a bit chilly (I don’t recommend this scent when it’s really hot but more during autumn/winter), I used it a few times and even though I love it, my friends were more hesitant about it, thinking it was a bit too strong and was not really matching with me.

So I will try again this autumn because the main purpose of a fragrance is too fit with you, isn’t it? Worst case scenario, I will use it as home fragrance!



I still love trying new asian restaurants and lately, I went to this place called CINQ FOIS PLUS (Rue St Martin, Paris 3e) to try a few Sichuan dishes.

It ended up being a mix feeling as I was a bit disappointed by the bánh bao (not very tasty and a bit dry) but the vermicelli with minced pork and Shichuan choucroute were much better… and spicy!


So I would recommend these last too. The terrace not far from Beaubourg is anyway very nice. (English translation by Quiterie)

A wallpaper for this summer

· Illustration

Summer is finally here! Because the sun has decided to please us for a while, it’s now time to replace the one I drew for you last February! So here is a new summery wallpaper for smartphone, drawn by myself with love.

I made a mix of all my favorite destinations. You can recognize Jersey island, Miyajima and its tori, a sunset in Thailand and the rice fields in Bali: locations more or less exotic but all very inspiring!


3 colors for your summer

As every summer, I will stay around apart from a few weekends but this wallpaper will make me dream a bit… and I hope it will make you dream too!

This time, I prepared 3 choices of pastel colors to match them with your daily mood (or your nail polish hehe): blue, pink or orange.

Pink lock screen wallpaper here
Pink dashboard wallpaper here

Blue lock screen wallpaper here
Blue dashboard wallpaper here

Orange lock screen wallpaper here
 Orange dashboard wallpaper  here


As always, you can download the wallpaper by clicking on it and saving the image in your smartphone photo gallery. Then, select it as wallpaper (don’t forget to resize it as usually iPhones try to zoom in the image). Have a great summer everyone!


PS: This illustration (like all the others on this blog) has copyright and can’t be modified (color, layout, drawing, signature…). You can only use it for private personal usage and no commercial opportunity. Thanks !(English translation by Quiterie)

A Doll’s house

· Art, Fashion

There are a lot of interesting exhibitions in Paris at the moment : Today, we headed to le Palais de Tokyo to visit their new exhibition, the title of which can be translated as follows “Childhood : Another banana day for the dream-fish”.

What made me want to go? The childhood thematic for one, and this huge reconstruction of a doll house right at the entrance of the museum. I find the idea absolutely genius as a way to showcase a gateway to your childhood memories.


Back to childhood at le Palais de Tokyo

“A Doll’s house” by Amabouz Taturo


The exhibition takes you through a number of themes, a number of which are rather light and childish, others a bit more melancolic and harrowing, but all of which are enchanting, surprising and though provoking.


Sculptures by Tomaki Suzuki and “La porte de la désolation” by Clément Cogitore


“Abetare” by Petrit Halijaj


Here are some of the works we saw : I especially admired the ones by Tomoaki Suzuki with his tiny characters and Ugo Rondinone‘s set up with melancolic and idle clowns (no pictures allowed for this last one).


“Beasts and ourselves, of glasses” by Yuichi Yokoyama


Spice up their lives

Outfit-wise, a nod to childhood, with these heart-shaped sunnies that I longed for ever since I was a kid (finally got them!) and this tshirt I bought a month ago as a contribution to the “Red Nose Day” caritative action, that helps children in need.

Designed by Victoria Beckham, one of my favorite Spice Girls (I was team Baby and Posh!), it combines the useful and the pleasant, by harboring your love for your childhood band (well, teen for my part!). Have a nice week everyone! (English translation by Marine)

My Outfit

Tee-shirt “Red nose day” Spice girls Omaze
Jean Uniqlo (already seen here and here)
Sandals Kanna (already seen here)
Basket La Redoute (already seen here)
Sunnies Mango

Earrings Mango
Watch Cluse

Eyebrow crayon Brow Drama Pomade « Châtain » Maybelline NY
Mascara « Volume effet faux cil Waterproof » YSL
Lipstick Authentique 302 Mademoiselle Rouge Baiser


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