Pink and beige

· Decoration, Fashion

This gloomy Parisian weather doesn’t make things easy to update a fashion blog. Therefore I need to adapt my photoshoot and take pictures inside.

Today, here is an outfit I really wore outside (yes, I promise you, but with an umbrella) as I was fed up of the lack of brightness these past few months.


So I chose a summer pants (the fabric is thick enough to be worn during winter) and I tried to add up touches of pink/beige to bring some energy and sweetness to this austere and depressing world.

Once again, this outfit is only made of “old” stuffs apart from the earrings with a crescent moon shape (“Moon prism power make up !”). Have a great week with I hope a little bit of sun. (English translation by Quiterie)


My Outfit

Cashmere jumper La Redoute (already seen here)
Coat Sézane (already seen here)
Pants Samsøe Samsøe  (already seen here)
Sneakers Stan Smith Adidas
Bag Nola Sézane (already seen here)

Earrings Soko
Necklace Minetta Jewellery
Watch Cluse

Eyebrow crayon Brow Drama Pomade « Châtain » Maybelline NY
Lipsticks « 986 Melted Chocolate Mat » Maybelline NY
+ Color riche « Dahlia Insolent 135 » L’Oréal Paris
« Lash Lift Nutrition intense » Eyelash treatment Les cils de Marie

Taking it slow for a day

· Illustration

My “Babe” Candice and I are used to our “museum marathon” days, but last week, we decided to take it slow, a “slow day”.

As I told you at the beginning of the year, I’m trying to adopt a more relaxed rythm : working without stress, no unachievable goals, enjoying myself as often as possible (while trying to distance myself from material things). And this type of day is something I’d like to reproduce on a regular basis, when my body will let me know it needs it.

After the rush of the end of the holiday season, it felt right to opt for a “slow day”. I’ll share the program with you, maybe it’ll inspire you with a friend or parent, and it can be readapted to suit you perfectly. In any case, it’s a good starting point to recharge your batteries.

As for us, let me tell you it worked magic. We took our time and enjoyed feeling completely relaxed at the end of the day.



Light breakfast with fresh fruit and home made granola with a calm yet spirited playlist.

Right now, I’m listening to “The Greatest Showman” soundtrack (“This is me” can basically be heard on repeat). and the new “Blue Madonna” Børns album (I loved his previous album “Dopamine” : this one is in the same style). And always Bastille and Take That of course, you know me!



We had schedulded a japanese massage at ASSA spa (8 rue Christine Paris 6ème), that I learned about completely randomly thanks to a card left in a japanese restaurant!

Don’t expect soft massages here (beauticians in France tend to be way too mellow, compared to what I’ve been accustomed to in Asia) : Shiatsu is about pressure points, and is meant to calm tension and redistribute energy.

1h after our session, we were completely relaxed. Candice even told me that it was such an exotic experience, she felt like she had left Paris.

I’ll admit that this might not be fit for every budget : but you can just as well stay home and try on your latest beauty products. A whole morning with masks and scrubs is just as enjoyable and relaxing an experience!



We were lucky, the day was sunny, encouraging our leisurely pace. We walked and talked, from the Louvres to the Saint Louis island, passing by Notre Dame.



The recent holiday season left us wanting for a light lunch : we headed to the MAISIE Café, that Candice had previously spotted. The staff wasn’t very welcoming, but the cashew cheese salad and the soups satisfied our cravings for healthy foods.

Here are a couple other “healthy but yummy” places I already tested in the past:

SO NAT 5 rue Bourdaloue PARIS 9e

CAFÉ INEKO 13 Rue des Gravilliers PARIS 3e

AHIPOKÉ 84 Rue d’Hauteville PARIS 10e



I’m on a decluttering roll this year, so I didn’t buy anything during the sales. That being said, I still very much enjoy looking at what is being sold, the trends and eventually finding a couple basics for my wardrobe at interesting prices.



We eat healthy, but we do still have a sweet-tooth. Since our slow day turned out to be pretty physical with all that walking, we settled down at MARCELLE (22 Rue Montmartre PARIS 1er), currently one of my favorite places for teatime.

•KAFFEEHAUS 11 Rue Poncelet PARIS 17e (post here)

•DEPOT LÉGAL 2 Rue Vivienne PARIS 2e (post here)

•AKI CAFÉ 75 Rue Sainte-Anne PARIS 2e



I said goodbye to my Babe and met up with my SO for a movie night. It was the premiere screening of The Greatest Showman, with Hugh Jackman! What better way to end this day!


Here’s how our first “slow day” went : I hope you enjoyed the program! You might already be used to this kind of day from time to time (…it’s nothing incredible after all, but I find it mind blowing how rare these days are becoming!)

I am up for all your ideas, tips and activities for a slow life : don’t hesitate to share in the comments so we can all find some inspiration ! (English translation by Marine)

New kitchen

· Decoration, Fashion, Food

After a quick tour of our living room, here’s where I’m spending more and more time : the kitchen!

After our renovations from last August, we decided to declutter and simplify our home to make it more functional. It’s still not completely finished, but you’ll get the idea.

Three years ago, I had given you a quick glimpse, but seeing the pictures, I realize it has completely changed since. Our tastes in matter of interior decor have changed quite a bit (as has my haircut!)


A natural and modern vibe


As you know, I’m all about minimalism these days, both in fashion and decoration. My inspirations went from kawaii/colorful to natural and stripped down : quite a radical change!

I do like to keep it cosy though : that’s why our kitchen needed natural materials like wood, bamboo or seagrass.


Cutting board Bloomingville
Cactus pots Serax
Wooden bowl Madame Stoltz


My SO and I also decided to add plants to give the whole space a bit more life : a pothos and a tradescantia (not sure yet if the latter will survive in here, but we are trying to place it in different spots, to see where it might thrive best : as I’m writing these lines, it has already migrated to the top of the cupboard next to the fridge).


Wooden bowl Madame Stoltz
Earrings Soko
Jumper La Redoute


We did keep our initial kitchen furnishings and our fridge. Thankfully, even though I was all about color back then, our kitchen furnishings had been spared and were rather simple. We were able to reincorporate them without it killing the new vibe we’re going for.

The mint fridge gives just the right pop of color.


Tiny modifications, big change

Mixer tap with showerhead THG
Tableware Habitat, Wear Lemonade x Monoprix and brought from Japan


Between 2015 and 2018, even though the furnishings stayed the same, a number of things have changed :

•The walls : we gave them a new coat of white paint and added new rectangular tiles (with grey joints) on 1/3 of the room’s surface (mainly the areas with the biggest spatter risk).

•The floor : it’s not new floor tiling, but vinyl, of the same type we put in our bathroom. Minimal effort and maximum effect. And the assurance that we can change easily the day we get tired of it.

•The faucet : we don’t have a dishwasher (the only possible space is already taken up by the washing machine, right where I’m standing in the first picture)…which means we have to wash everything by hand in the sink.


Mixer tap with showerhead THG
Coffee pot Bodum
Cactus pot Serax


Our last faucet died (death by lime buildup) and we had gotten tired of the design. We got a new one, of better quality (and more massive, yes)? It fits into the space and we can easily clean the sink with the little showerhead (who knew I would one day be looking for particular qualities in a faucet!)

•Shelves instead of the cupboard : as you might have seen previously, my SO replaced 2 cupboards by wooden shelves he made himself (=wooden planks he had cut to the right dimensions in the shop, that he varnished and set up on mounting brackets. I like the natural effect they convey, and also enjoy having my plates handy!



•A sliding glass door : for space gain, we got rid of our former wooden door, and opted for this clever sliding glass door system.

I like the fact that guests in the living and dining room can see us preparing the meal, without being subjected to the noise made by the cooking hood or strong food smells.


Sliding glass door Leroy Merlin
Mug Bloomingville
Wooden deer head  AM.PM


And same from the kitchen side : you can keep up with what is happening in the living room (FOMO syndrome?) The situation was tested and validated during our Christmas dinner : it was perfect.

I still need to work on some details, like bringing my personal touch to the atmosphere, otherwise this is all going to look like a Pinterest photo : I think I’ll make a black and white minimalist drawing with a kitchen theme, that I’ll frame and hang on the wall by the long wooden table (I’ll show it to you once it’s finished!).


Visible and invisible storage


I read in an interview (of whom? I can’t remember) a couple years back that when it comes to decoration, you should only surround yourself with beautiful things and hide what isn’t (pretty subjective, but still), that every object in your home was importance, even the less glamorous ones (like your trashcan, toilet roll holder and such!). This ideology might be a bit cruel and manichean, but I do relate to it up to a certain point (before it gets obsessive let’s say).

Some might see it like a Monica Geller syndrome, but I like to think of it as my aesthetic and functional side!


•Hidden kitchen towels : you’ll admit kitchen and tea towels are always perfect in magazines, but rarely so in real life. In any case, after a number of washes, mine are pretty sad. Which is why I’m not showing them to you, and that I hand them on hooks inside the door of the cupboard under the sink. Invisible, practical and easily accessible.

•Dishwashing soap in pretty containers : same goes for soap of any kind : the containers are often pretty unsightly. Which is why I opted for a white dispenser that you can easily find at Muji. For regular liquid soap, I loved this very instagrammable Aesop bottle.

That being said, I am disappointed the brand doesn’t offer refills … which means my Aesop soap has now been replaced by another refill-friendly liquid soap : it’s more environmental friendly!


Wooden table Ikea
Fuits basket Present Time


•Storage boxes in the cupboards : in my cupboards, after having gotten rid of as much unnecessary stuff as possible, we organized what was meant to be on the shelves in boxes without lids, which makes it easy to find and retrieve what you’ve been looking for (you can totally find those at Ikea and the like). We have a spice box, a big bottles box (olive oil, vinegar, nước mắm…) a box for baking ustensils etc…

•Visible tableware : one of you pointed out that the wooden shelves might get dusty pretty easily. Indeed, exposing the tableware make them more likely to collect dust, but we chose to put on the shelves only those that we used on a daily basis.



We now have only one set of white tableware (bye bye colored and patterned plates) and this set up is pretty easy on a day to day basis.

•A wicker basket to store bags : I now only use cloth bags for my shopping, and I tend to collect them. Since we didn’t want to live in a sea of tote bags, I chose to store them all in this basket, which adds to the atmosphere while being practical.


Seagrass basket Nordal
Sneakers Converse x Comme des garçons (déjà vues ici)
Cookie cutters brought from Hamburg Xmas market 


In any case, I’ll never say it enough : sorting is very therapeutic. Less stuff, better organization, it’s the beginning of serenity and happiness isn’t it?


PS : on these photos, you see me preparing an apple pie with a disconcerting zen-like attitude : if you want the recipe, know I followed this one.


I’m pretty happy with the result, but if I had to make it again, I’d use Golden or more sugary apples than the Granny Smith, it was a bit too tart for my taste. (English translation by Marine)

My Outfit

Jumper La Redoute (already seen here)
Jeans Uniqlo (already seen here)
Sneakers Converse x Comme des garçons (already seen here)

Watch Cluse
Bracelets Tiffany&Co
Earrings Soko

Eyebrow crayon Brow Drama Pomade « Châtain » Maybelline NY
Lipstick Lip Paint Lacquer “105 Red fiction” L’Oréal Paris
« Lash Lift Nutrition intense » Eyelash treatment Les cils de Marie

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