Allez les…

· Fashion

Here is a perfect outfit for both rain and sun to go along with this uncertain weather. I should have chosen a more sportswear outfit to match this patriotic supporters inscription, but as I never know what to wear with this harebrained season, I decided to go for a casual outfit.

It was actually not a very smart idea to go outside with these espadrilles during a rainy day but I only wore them to go eat a french crepe: i’m half excused, no? (English translation by Quiterie)




My Outfit

Jacket  Vero Moda (2012)
Polo shirt Laura Clément
Jeans 501CT Levi’s
Espadrilles High Milano Sézane
Bag Eartha iconic Floral Zac Posen (already seen here)
Bracelets Dinh Van, Mya Bay, Louis Vuitton et Atelier B
Ring Papyrus Atelier B
Watch Casio

Lipstick « Place Vendôme 364 » Color Riche L’Oréal Paris
Eyeliner Super Liner Black Lacquer L’Oréal Paris

Imagine the sun

· Fashion

Today, I’m presenting this ruffle top in another version for a comfy and summery outfit. I really like this baby-blue and its flowing cut.

I must admit that I only wore this outfit for the pictures: then I switched to a more “autumn weather” outfit. But my desire of sun and summer was too strong… And for a 13th of June, it could have been the perfect outfit! (English translation by Quiterie)

My Outfit

Top Soft Grey
Culottes Vila (-50%) (already seen here)
Clutch ASOS (2011)
Sandals Soft Grey
Bracelets Dinh Van, Mya Bay, Louis Vuitton et Atelier B
Ring  Papyrus Atelier B
Watch Casio

Lipstick « Place Vendôme 364 » Color Riche L’Oréal Paris
Eyeliner Super Liner Black Lacquer L’Oréal Paris
Vernis Color Riche à l’huile « 112 Blanc de Lune » L’Oréal Paris 

Beautiful days uniform

· Fashion

Here is an idea of outfit uniform I wish I could get inspiration from when the nice days will stay here for good (it seems like the rain will be back for the coming days… What a calamity!)

So I dream about wearing this kind of silhouette: flowing top with ruffles (no one can stop me anymore with the ruffles), mom jeans and a pair of espadrilles (I have quite a nice collection now). Add on top of that, a straw basket tote for the “escape and singing grasshoppers” touch.

I am ready… Now let’s hope the weather will cooperate a bit. (English translation buy Quiterie)


My Outfit

Ruffle top Soft Grey
Mom jeans ASOS
Espadrilles High Milano Sézane
Straw basket tote  Sézane
Sunnies Carlina Chloé
Camera OLYMPUS Pen E-PL7
Beach picture by Rodolphe Opitch

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