Since end of March, La Redoute has revealed its new fashion brand “La Redoute Madame”. Whether the print campaign or the TV campaign, you probably didn’t miss it.
We were able to discover different “Madame” personalities with “Madame French”, “Madame Summer”, “Madame à la Mode”, “Madame Active”… amongst 16 in total. That is when I got contacted by the brand to represent one of them on the Internet.
Madame Digital
Even though I could easily identify myself with a few profiles, I decided to choose the very connected Madame Digital, because that’s how my relatives see me…
Although I try sometimes to keep some distance with the Internet and social media, it’s almost impossible to see me without a cellphone in my hands or in my bag. I work 80% of my time with a computer, typing on my keyboard or drawing on my pad and… my friends offer me Emoji pillows as Christmas gift!
It’s also because I’m a “Madame Digital” deep down that you can read me today… otherwise I wouldn’t have opened this blog this holy day of May 2007.
Shooting at Studio Zéro
We gathered with the whole La Redoute team in this amazing Studio Zéro for a very special photo shooting. Programme of the day: make-up, hairstyle and styling with professionals.
I couldn’t refrain myself to take pictures of the ambiance that day so you can imagine the atmosphere of behind the scene.
We need at least all this to tame my hair !
The idea was to stay natural with pictures in line with the campaign, in other words, spontaneous and full of movements.
Set up of the “Madame Audacity” accessories
The lunchroom area of the Studio (with a delicious meal prepared by a Chef (!)
Look wise, after discussing a long while with the team (our mailboxes can testify haha) I decided to choose an outfit with a graphic rendering, which left me free with my movements. The Japanese side of these wedge sandals finally convinced me.
… and here is the result !
So here is the final image selected to represent “Madame Digital” : No, I didn’t fall down from my pedestal, juggling with my electronic devices.
At least I hope you will enjoy discover the other “Madame” during the coming weeks. On my side I will have to go, I think someone is trying to reach me on my phone! (English translation by Quiterie)
Photos credits : ©Tokyobanhbao except the last ©La Redoute